
Is the Djikstra's example correct?.

Originally Posted By: Adrian Kwanpdogbert@gmail.com
In the Djikstra's student example the path taken first is with a metric of 10. Does Djikstra's take the shortest jump to an adjacent undiscovered node first? I might just have misinterpreted the algorithm as it is getting quite late in the night. The order I see the discover in is A C D B A C B A B
'''Originally Posted By: Adrian Kwanpdogbert@gmail.com''' In the Djikstra's student example the path taken first is with a metric of 10. Does Djikstra's take the shortest jump to an adjacent undiscovered node first? I might just have misinterpreted the algorithm as it is getting quite late in the night. The order I see the discover in is A C D B A C B A B