
Practice Final Question 4.

Originally Posted By: Pisut
Pisut Hutton
dakota polenz
Edward Ciotic

4. Explain how a webservice might be defined using REST

We can apply REST to Web Service by using it for the base URI for web API, type of data such as JSON, and HTTP method such as PUT, GET, POST,
and DELETE. Example of base URI, www.sjsu.edu/resources/...arguments
REST = Representational State Transfer.
'''Originally Posted By: Pisut''' Members:<br>Pisut Hutton<br>dakota polenz<br>Edward Ciotic<br><br>4. Explain how a webservice might be defined using REST<br><br>We can apply REST to Web Service by using it for the base URI for web API, type of data such as JSON, and HTTP method such as PUT, GET, POST, <br>and DELETE. Example of base URI, www.sjsu.edu/resources/...arguments <br>REST = Representational State Transfer.