The Search Access fieldset has checkboxes that control which interfaces can be used to get search query results from Yioop.
  • The Web checkbox controls whether or not a traditional web search through the Yioop instance's landing page can be done.
  • The RSS checkbox controls whether or not search queries in RSS format are available. If so, then a query string of the form
    <code> ?q=some_search_query&f=rss </code>
    will output search results in rss format, a query string in RSS format will be output. This checkbox needs to be checked if you are using Yioop in a situation with multiple queue servers. This switch also enables queries of the form
    <code> ?q=some_search_query&f=json, ?q=some_search_query&f=json&callback=some_function, </code>
    <code> ?q=some_search_query&f=serial. </code>
    The above queries demonstrate respectively JSON format output, JSONP format output, and serialized PHP object format output.
  • The API checkbox controls whether or not Yioop can be used as PHP library using the Yioop Search Function API to return search results. This is described in the Embedding Yioop section of the Yioop Documentation.