This privacy policy covers the website hereafter known as Yioop. Yioop collects information from users when they register an account, perform account activities, create groups, post messages to groups, edit wiki pages, or perform searches.
The Yioop software is freely available for download at
SeekQuarry and can be used to understand in detail exactly what
information is stored by the Yioop web app. One can verify from this source code that the a default install of the software itself does not transmit data to third parties. Yioop makes use of for payment processing of credit card transactions and provides does with enough information to complete such transactions. For registration, account purposes, and to maintain the integrity of the Yioop site, Yioop does keep track of a user IP addresses and may store email and other personal information such as Full Name. Data posted to Yioop groups or written to the wiki and read by more than one person might become public knowledge. Encrypted groups are stored encrypted on Yioop's server, but still can be joined and viewed by administrator's of Yioop. Owners of Yioop groups also can view statistics about viewership of their groups. Yioop keeps track of the number of times users click on keyword advertisements and provides statistics of this to ad purchasers.
The website is served using a web server. As is standard for most web server software, log file entries are generated for requests made to the web server. Log file entries are also generated when an error occurs with a request or within the web server. As an example of the format of an access log entry consider: - - [17/Mar/2012:19:00:00 -0700]
"GET /index.php?q=secrets&limit=80 HTTP/1.1"
200 34940 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (My Super Browser)"
Such an entry has an IP address, a date, a query, and a User-agent. From the IP address one can determine the geographic location of the person making the query. The User-agent can be used to reveal if you are coming from a web browser (human) or are a web spider (non-human). All of the above information could in theory be correlated across multiple requests to the website. Thus, your queries made to Yioop could potentially be revealing.
In addition to Web Server logs, a computer as part of its daily operations stores temporary and less temporary files which may contain some of the information related to the web server's operation, and so might also contain information about requests made by a user on Yioop!.
Finally, Yioop!, since it is a search engine, has a crawler component. This component downloads pages from various web sites. You may be the owner of such a site, and despite the best efforts on the Yioop team's part to make sure that Yioop! only crawls sites it is allowed to, it might have inadvertently downloaded some content you would prefer it didn't.
The purpose of this site is to demonstrate the Yioop software. Queries performed on Yioop are not sold to third parties beyond keyword ad click information. Nor is user registration data sold or group posts or wiki files of private (No One or By Request registration) groups data mined. We reserve the right to index and mine public group data. Aggregated statistics of queries are generated to help make future versions of Yioop! better. Internal to Yioop aggregated statistics are retained as per the default source code of the software available on Web server access and error log information are cleared on a semi-regular basis. If we need to investigate a website intrusion, or are required by law enforcement, we reserve the right to retain these records and any other collected data longer. Information about the behavior of non-human users of Yioop (spiders and bots) might be discussed on public forums.
If you are a content provider, and find that there is data in the search results or in public groups or wikis for which you are the copyright holder that you would not like available through Yioop, you can contact to ask that your data be block from search results or taken down from the groups or wikis in question.
Previous versions of this privacy policy can be found by looking at the
wiki history of this privacy page.